BG_Flood  0.8
Documentation (Work-in-progress)
Boundary.h File Reference
#include "General.h"
#include "MemManagement.h"
#include "Util_CPU.h"
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template<class T >
void Flowbnd (Param XParam, Loop< T > &XLoop, BlockP< T > XBlock, bndparam side, EvolvingP< T > XEv)
__host__ __device__ int Inside (int halowidth, int blkmemwidth, int isright, int istop, int ix, int iy, int ib)
__host__ __device__ bool isbnd (int isright, int istop, int blkwidth, int ix, int iy)
template<class T >
__host__ void maskbnd (Param XParam, BlockP< T > XBlock, EvolvingP< T > Xev, T *zb)
template<class T >
__global__ void maskbndGPUleft (Param XParam, BlockP< T > XBlock, EvolvingP< T > Xev, T *zb)
template<class T >
__global__ void maskbndGPUtop (Param XParam, BlockP< T > XBlock, EvolvingP< T > Xev, T *zb)
template<class T >
__global__ void maskbndGPUright (Param XParam, BlockP< T > XBlock, EvolvingP< T > Xev, T *zb)
template<class T >
__global__ void maskbndGPUbot (Param XParam, BlockP< T > XBlock, EvolvingP< T > Xev, T *zb)
template<class T >
__global__ void bndGPU (Param XParam, bndparam side, BlockP< T > XBlock, float itime, T *zs, T *h, T *un, T *ut)
__device__ __host__ void findmaskside (int side, bool &isleftbot, bool &islefttop, bool &istopleft, bool &istopright, bool &isrighttop, bool &isrightbot, bool &isbotright, bool &isbotleft)
template<class T >
__device__ __host__ void halowall (T zsinside, T &un, T &ut, T &zs, T &h, T &zb)
template<class T >
__device__ __host__ void noslipbnd (T zsinside, T hinside, T &un, T &ut, T &zs, T &h)
template<class T >
__device__ __host__ void ABS1D (T g, T sign, T zsbnd, T zsinside, T hinside, T utbnd, T unbnd, T &un, T &ut, T &zs, T &h)
template<class T >
__device__ __host__ void Dirichlet1D (T g, T sign, T zsbnd, T zsinside, T hinside, T uninside, T &un, T &ut, T &zs, T &h)

Function Documentation

◆ ABS1D()

template<class T >
__device__ __host__ void ABS1D ( g,
T &  un,
T &  ut,
T &  zs,
T &  h 

◆ bndGPU()

template<class T >
__global__ void bndGPU ( Param  XParam,
bndparam  side,
BlockP< T >  XBlock,
float  itime,
T *  zs,
T *  h,
T *  un,
T *  ut 

◆ Dirichlet1D()

template<class T >
__device__ __host__ void Dirichlet1D ( g,
T &  un,
T &  ut,
T &  zs,
T &  h 

◆ findmaskside()

__device__ __host__ void findmaskside ( int  side,
bool &  isleftbot,
bool &  islefttop,
bool &  istopleft,
bool &  istopright,
bool &  isrighttop,
bool &  isrightbot,
bool &  isbotright,
bool &  isbotleft 

◆ Flowbnd()

template<class T >
void Flowbnd ( Param  XParam,
Loop< T > &  XLoop,
BlockP< T >  XBlock,
bndparam  side,
EvolvingP< T >  XEv 

◆ halowall()

template<class T >
__device__ __host__ void halowall ( zsinside,
T &  un,
T &  ut,
T &  zs,
T &  h,
T &  zb 

◆ Inside()

__host__ __device__ int Inside ( int  halowidth,
int  blkmemwidth,
int  isright,
int  istop,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  ib 

◆ isbnd()

__host__ __device__ bool isbnd ( int  isright,
int  istop,
int  blkwidth,
int  ix,
int  iy 

◆ maskbnd()

template<class T >
__host__ void maskbnd ( Param  XParam,
BlockP< T >  XBlock,
EvolvingP< T >  Xev,
T *  zb 

◆ maskbndGPUbot()

template<class T >
__global__ void maskbndGPUbot ( Param  XParam,
BlockP< T >  XBlock,
EvolvingP< T >  Xev,
T *  zb 

◆ maskbndGPUleft()

template<class T >
__global__ void maskbndGPUleft ( Param  XParam,
BlockP< T >  XBlock,
EvolvingP< T >  Xev,
T *  zb 

◆ maskbndGPUright()

template<class T >
__global__ void maskbndGPUright ( Param  XParam,
BlockP< T >  XBlock,
EvolvingP< T >  Xev,
T *  zb 

◆ maskbndGPUtop()

template<class T >
__global__ void maskbndGPUtop ( Param  XParam,
BlockP< T >  XBlock,
EvolvingP< T >  Xev,
T *  zb 

◆ noslipbnd()

template<class T >
__device__ __host__ void noslipbnd ( zsinside,
T &  un,
T &  ut,
T &  zs,
T &  h 