BG_Flood  0.8
Documentation (Work-in-progress)
Loop< T > Struct Template Reference

#include <Arrays.h>

Public Attributes

double nextoutputtime
double dt
double dtmax
double totaltime
int nstep = 0
int nstepout = 0
int nTSsteps = 0
std::vector< std::vector< Pointout > > TSAllout
int windstep = 1
int atmpstep = 1
int rainstep = 1
bool winduniform
bool rainuniform
bool atmpuniform
uwinduni = T(0.0)
vwinduni = T(0.0)
rainuni = T(0.0)
dim3 blockDim
dim3 gridDim
const int num_streams = 4
cudaStream_t streams [4]

Member Data Documentation

◆ atmpstep

template<class T >
int Loop< T >::atmpstep = 1

◆ atmpuni

template<class T >
T Loop< T >::atmpuni

◆ atmpuniform

template<class T >
bool Loop< T >::atmpuniform

◆ blockDim

template<class T >
dim3 Loop< T >::blockDim

◆ dt

template<class T >
double Loop< T >::dt

◆ dtmax

template<class T >
double Loop< T >::dtmax

◆ epsilon

template<class T >
T Loop< T >::epsilon

◆ gridDim

template<class T >
dim3 Loop< T >::gridDim

◆ hugenegval

template<class T >
T Loop< T >::hugenegval

◆ hugeposval

template<class T >
T Loop< T >::hugeposval

◆ nextoutputtime

template<class T >
double Loop< T >::nextoutputtime

◆ nstep

template<class T >
int Loop< T >::nstep = 0

◆ nstepout

template<class T >
int Loop< T >::nstepout = 0

◆ nTSsteps

template<class T >
int Loop< T >::nTSsteps = 0

◆ num_streams

template<class T >
const int Loop< T >::num_streams = 4

◆ rainstep

template<class T >
int Loop< T >::rainstep = 1

◆ rainuni

template<class T >
T Loop< T >::rainuni = T(0.0)

◆ rainuniform

template<class T >
bool Loop< T >::rainuniform

◆ streams

template<class T >
cudaStream_t Loop< T >::streams[4]

◆ totaltime

template<class T >
double Loop< T >::totaltime

◆ TSAllout

template<class T >
std::vector< std::vector< Pointout > > Loop< T >::TSAllout

◆ uwinduni

template<class T >
T Loop< T >::uwinduni = T(0.0)

◆ vwinduni

template<class T >
T Loop< T >::vwinduni = T(0.0)

◆ windstep

template<class T >
int Loop< T >::windstep = 1

◆ winduniform

template<class T >
bool Loop< T >::winduniform

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: