BG_Flood  0.8
Documentation (Work-in-progress)
Mainloop.h File Reference
#include "General.h"
#include "Param.h"
#include "Arrays.h"
#include "Forcing.h"
#include "Mesh.h"
#include "Write_netcdf.h"
#include "InitialConditions.h"
#include "MemManagement.h"
#include "Boundary.h"
#include "FlowGPU.h"
#include "FlowCPU.h"
#include "Meanmax.h"
#include "Updateforcing.h"
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template<class T >
void MainLoop (Param &XParam, Forcing< float > XForcing, Model< T > &XModel, Model< T > &XModel_g)
template<class T >
void DebugLoop (Param &XParam, Forcing< float > XForcing, Model< T > &XModel, Model< T > &XModel_g)
template<class T >
__host__ double initdt (Param XParam, Loop< T > XLoop, Model< T > XModel)
template<class T >
Loop< T > InitLoop (Param &XParam, Model< T > &XModel)
template<class T >
void printstatus (T totaltime, T dt)
template<class T >
__global__ void storeTSout (Param XParam, int noutnodes, int outnode, int istep, int blknode, int inode, int jnode, int *blkTS, EvolvingP< T > XEv, T *store)

Function Documentation

◆ DebugLoop()

template<class T >
void DebugLoop ( Param XParam,
Forcing< float >  XForcing,
Model< T > &  XModel,
Model< T > &  XModel_g 

Debugging loop This function was crated to debug to properly wrap the debug flow engine of the model

◆ initdt()

template<class T >
__host__ double initdt ( Param  XParam,
Loop< T >  XLoop,
Model< T >  XModel 

◆ InitLoop()

template<class T >
Loop<T> InitLoop ( Param XParam,
Model< T > &  XModel 

◆ MainLoop()

template<class T >
void MainLoop ( Param XParam,
Forcing< float >  XForcing,
Model< T > &  XModel,
Model< T > &  XModel_g 

◆ printstatus()

template<class T >
void printstatus ( totaltime,

◆ storeTSout()

template<class T >
__global__ void storeTSout ( Param  XParam,
int  noutnodes,
int  outnode,
int  istep,
int  blknode,
int  inode,
int  jnode,
int *  blkTS,
EvolvingP< T >  XEv,
T *  store 